What is Dental Plaque? - Understanding Causes & Treatment

Published Date: 10/06/2024

Category: Oral Health

What is Dental Plaque? - Understanding Causes & Treatment

Hello again, today we’re going to talk about plaque., I’m sure you all have listened to your dentists continuously nagging about brushing and flossing. But, have you thought, why do they do that? No, it’s not to give you a hard time. Then why? - The sole purpose is to keep your teeth free from dental Plaque.

You must be wondering what dental Plaque is. It is a sticky and invisible layer that forms on your teeth, which looks yuck and harms your dental health.

Read on to learn more about dental Plaque, its causes and hazards, and suggested ways of treating it. 

Dental Plaque: A Quick Understanding

Plaque is a soft & sticky layer that sticks around your teeth and gums. This layer is initially not visible, but if you don’t practise proper dental hygiene, you will start to see it forming around your teeth. It might be white or a pale yellow colour.

If Plaque is not removed from your teeth for long periods of time, it becomes hard calculus, known as Tartar in the dental world. It creates a hard calcified layer above and below the gum line, creating a bottleneck in removing Plaque. The only way to remove such Tartar is through professional deep dental cleaning.

Causes of Dental Plaque

The more you know about what causes dental plaque, the more likely you can avoid it occurring. Here are some of the leading causes:

1. Sugary and Starchy Foods

Foods such as sweets, bread, and pasta, which contain sugars high in number, give energy to bacteria; these bacteria generate acids responsible for building up Plaque on teeth.

2. Poor Oral Hygiene

Not brushing and flossing often enough or adequately can lead to plaque forming on your gums and teeth.

3. Dietary Habits:

Frequently chewing snacks and drinking sugary beverages throughout the day provides a constant source of nutrition for bacterial growth, leading to the formation of plaque.

4. Smoking and Tobacco Use:

Tobacco towards the accumulation of Plaque but also intensifies its stickiness, making tartar development highly likely.

5. Medical Conditions:

Some diseases like diabetes curb the natural body’s ability to control harmful microorganisms, hence increasing Plaque.

Why Should You Get Dental Plaque Removed?

Timely removal of plaque is crucial for the upkeep of oral health. It not only prevents cavities and gum problems but also keeps your breath fresh and gives you a beautiful white smile. In addition, regular cleaning can help keep Plague from turning into calcified tartar that poses more danger to the teeth if not removed early enough.

How We Treat Your Dental Plaque at Local Dental Clinic?

First up, here at Local Dental Clinic, we’ll give your mouth a good once-over, checking your teeth and gums for any signs of trouble like plaque, tartar, cavities, or gum disease. We might take some X-rays to get a clearer picture of what’s going on beneath the surface. 

Next, it’s on to scaling, where we use special tools to scrape off the plaque and tartar. We start with an ultrasonic scaler that vibrates to loosen the bigger bits, then get into the nooks and crannies with hand tools to make sure every last bit is gone. 

After that, your teeth get a nice polish. Using a gritty paste and a rotating brush, we’ll buff your teeth to remove surface stains and leave them smooth, making it harder for new plaque to stick. To give your teeth an extra layer of protection, we’ll apply a fluoride treatment – a gel, foam, or varnish – to strengthen your enamel against decay. 

Finally, we’ll have a chat with you about keeping your teeth in top shape at home. We’ll give you tips on brushing and flossing properly and might suggest some products like a specific toothpaste or mouthwash. 

We’ll also set you up with your next appointment, usually in six months, to keep things in check with regular professional cleanings. 

This process at Local Dental Clinic helps keep your teeth and gums healthy, preventing any nasty surprises from plaque and tartar buildup.

A final word on Plaque

Dental Plaque is an inevitable part of life, but with proper care and attention, you can keep it under control. If you think you are suffering from plaque or noticing any symptoms, don’t wait, get in touch with your nearby Local Dental Clinic at Deniliquin or Finley and our Dental experts will help you get rid of it.

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