Root Canal Treatment

Affordable Root Canal Treatment

Falling under the Endodontics arm of dentistry, this treatment not only saves the natural tooth but also stops the infection from spreading into the surrounding tissue.

In its most simplistic manner, Root Canal Treatment can be explained as removing the infected or dead nerve from the tooth to save the natural tooth. When the tooth pulp (nerve) is irreversibly damaged, this treatment becomes essential. Tooth pulp or the nerve is the central part of the tooth. This soft part of the tooth has Blood Vessels, Nerves and Connective tissue. It helps a tooth root to grow in early life. But once the tooth is fully developed, tooth can survive in the mouth without the pulp as it can still be nourished/supported from the surrounding Bone and the Gum.

Where some of the most common reasons are tooth decay, trauma and repeated restorative treatment, there are many more reasons for a nerve damage. Hence, with the latest technology in the equipment and materials, a Root Canal Treatment is practiced in almost all parts of the world and has been the integral in millions of natural teeth being restored each year to their natural form.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Similar to having a filling, dental clinics around the globe choose Root Canal Treatment over getting a tooth removed. It is usually because replacing a tooth later will always cost you more time and money and may leave a gap that will reduce your ability to chew your food. Leaving these gaps in your mouth can lead to movement in your other remaining natural teeth which leads to change in bite, gum disease, high decay rate as well as loss of bone around your remaining natural teeth.

Moreover, it compromises your smile and confidence level if the tooth is in front, affecting your day- to-day life. Hence, no matter what the replacement option is, natural tooth always serves you better.

Root Canal therapy is generally needed in case of an infected nerve. But as a patient you would always have alternative options such as having the tooth removed and replaced for your convenience. Hence, at Local Dental we support a patient’s decision while keeping them informed through an expert opinion on the same.

Procedure for a Root Canal Treatment

  • Isolating the tooth with Rubber Dam, after achieving the proper local anesthesia.
  • Creating the access to the pulp/nerve canals with the dental drill.
  • Locating the opening for each nerve, an Electronic Apex Locator (EAL) device will be used to measure the lengths of each canal.
  • Cleaning the pulp tissue with special hand and rotary instruments and clear the infected pulp tissue out of the roots.
  • During this process, a combination of Sodium Hydrochloride, EDTA and Saline will be used to dissolve the necrotic pulp and dentine tissue from the canal.
  • After a thorough cleaning of each canal, your dentist may choose to seal the canal or place antibacterial and anti-inflammatory dressing inside each canal on the same day.
  • Once the dentist is satisfied with the quality of the cleaning, s/he will seal the canal with special rubber based biocompatible material for 3-D seal of the canals.
  • Once the canals are sealed, the dentist will place the final filling on top and take an x-ray to confirm the coronal (top) and apical (bottom) seal.
  • The indirect restoration like Crown or Onlay will then be placed in the follow up appointments for the outcome that will serve for many years to come.
  • Determination of all the above-mentioned steps can be done under one long appointment or multiple visits.

Do you have more questions about getting a Root Canal Treatment?

Get a professional assessment by our root canal dentist to determine the best course of action.

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Experiencing some tenderness and minor pain for the next couple of days, whilst the nerve settles down is temporary and should resolve itself. But as a precautionary measure we still make you aware about the treatment before you come to our clinic for here, we suggest more than taking a Nurofen for pain relief.

Does it hurt after a root canal?

Root Canal Treatment is not too different when compared with having a filling. With new technology and anesthesia, having a Root Canal Treatment is reasonably pain free. Occasionally as clinicians, we may come across highly inflamed/infected nerves which do not get anesthetised completely and there is still some discomfort while working. In this case, your dentist will place anti- inflammatory and antibacterial dressing and delay further treatment until the next visit.

Do we have to pay the full money upfront?

Like every other treatment at your Local Dental clinic, you pay as you go. Your cost will be communicated clearly with you in advance. If your dentist performs the entire procedure in one appointment, then you will be required to pay the full cost at the end of that visit. Most of the time though, Root Canal is performed in multiple visits and you pay for the part of the treatment performed at the end of each visit.

When will my pain stop?

The pain usually stops at the end of the first visit. Occasionally, the pain takes few days to settle down completely. At the end of the treatment, many patients complain that the tooth feels different or mildly uncomfortable for many months after. This is not indicative of poor outcome, but it is due to the loss of vitality/life from the tooth.

Do I have to have a crown after the Root Canal Treatment?

It is always recommended to have a crown after the Root Canal Therapy but at the same time if the loss of tooth structure is minimal after the compilation of the treatment, your dentist will also suggest placing a direct filling and not the crown.

Can I go back to work after the treatment?

Having a Root Canal Treatment is usually a pain-free experience. Most patients go back to their routine after having a root canal treatment visit unless advised by us otherwise.

How long my tooth will last after the Root Canal Treatment?

Once successful, a root canal treated tooth will last many years. According to one study, almost 90 % of the treated tooth have a retention rate of more than 5 years, if maintained with effective oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.

Can my tooth get infected?

Yes, a root canal-treated tooth can get infected again. There are many reasons for this such as leaking restoration on the top, active decay poorly sealed canals, crack in the tooth, missed canal etc. Therefore, in case of an infected root canal or reinfection of the tooth, your dentist may offer you retreatment if it is feasible. The alternative to retreatment is having a tooth removed and/or replaced.

Will the tooth get discolored after the treatment?

It is not always the case, but many times a tooth that has had a Root Canal Treatment in the past may become discoloured with time. This is due to loss of the blood vessels from the tooth. This is more visible in front teeth due to their narrow shape as well as light reflection. In case of the discolouration, your dentist will place a crown on the tooth to hide the colour of the tooth.

What are some of the complications of root canal treatment?

Like every medical procedure, there are rare complications to this procedure, but they do occur. Most of the complications are reversible like pain/swelling after the treatment, broken temporary filling etc. There are also more serious complications such as broken instruments in the tooth, perforation of the canal, overfilling of the canal etc. These complications can be avoided by proper diagnosis and planning of the treatment with the help of x-rays and 3-D scans.

It is common for the patient to feel the pain for the first 24 hours. However, if they experience any pain that is severe or lasts more than a couple of days, it is advised to contact us immediately.

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