
Braces Treatment

There are plenty of wonderful ways to enhance the appearance of your smile while also improving your oral and overall health. And one such treatment is that of traditional orthodontics. People of all ages can benefit from a properly aligned smile and achieve a confident persona.

Whether it is crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, or a bite alignment issue, braces are a tried-and-true solution to help patients see results that last a lifetime. Working in two stages: first, the tooth is moved, and then its root moves along to catch up, traditional braces are metal brackets that are fixed to the front surface of the teeth. A wire is threaded through each bracket and tightened at various intervals throughout the treatment. By manipulating the wire, your orthodontist can place pressure on different areas of the bite to gradually bring the teeth into the proper position. Here, its total treatment time depends on the complexity of the case, wherein most patients are finished with the same between 18 and 24 months.

A second option for conventional braces switches out metal for clear or tooth-colored ceramic. However, even if the time taken for this treatment is usually the shortest, these devices are the most noticeable. As for adults, aesthetics is the main consideration, along with the ‘lifestyle’ that they consider as a key. The same goes for adolescents too. Hence, to improve their smile and provide a better teeth alignment, without being called names, this orthodontic treatment of braces is the best.

Because teeth move through living bone during orthodontic care, it is important for an orthodontist to know if you have low bone density or are taking medication for the condition. Hence, a complete medical history before starting orthodontic care is charted. It is Local Dental’s goal to detect problems early on and attempt to curb the effects. Especially in children it is necessary to determine the right method of treatment to realign their teeth and bite and give them a healthier, more beautiful smile they can feel good about well into the future. So, our dental team along with the patient, monitor closely the development of a smile at all stages, carefully crafting the right positions for your teeth.

What Are Braces?

Orthodontic treatment, commonly called as braces treatment, involves correction of misaligned teeth using braces. Apart from aligning teeth, orthodontic treatment helps to restore a person’s bite, the function of their teeth and aesthetics. In fact, it plays an important role in preventing dental conditions like cavities and gum diseases, that commonly occur in the case of malalignment.

Posing as a problem to dental health, many people are still hesitant to receive the traditional brace treatment. Although, now there are more options available for braces, instead of one, as earlier. So, when one decides to start an orthodontic treatment for them or their child, multiple options present themselves to be chosen from. But each style has its advantages and disadvantages. This is where Local Dental helps one evaluate their situation and choose the type of braces that best suits them.

Traditional/Metal Basic Braces

They are the most common and affordable type of basic braces. Redesigned over the years, traditional/metal braces have become more lightweight and are more comfortable today, than ever before. Made of high-grade stainless steel, the metal brackets and arch wires features under this, put the desired pressure on teeth to straighten them. With these, one can also add their personal touch by adding colored elastics (color ties) for a splash of color or prefer clear brackets, nevertheless resulting in a unique experience that makes an orthodontic treatment, just a little more fun.

These braces are extremely durable and have been shown to be an effective option for straightening teeth for generations and for people of any age. While the process for applying braces remains much the same today as it was in the past, patients now experience greater comfort with even better results, due to an evolving technology.

They are the first option most people consider when they want to straighten their teeth and improve their smile. Typically, a check on their progress to adjust the braces as needed is done every 8-10 weeks, making it easier to see noticeable improvement quickly.

Self-Ligating Metal Braces

They are advanced metallic braces that are at the least 30% faster than traditional metallic braces. These types of braces do not need elastics and therefore, are easy to clean and maintain by the patient. At Local Dental, we use the best quality of self-ligating metal braces that apply low friction and make it comfortable and convenient for the patient.

Moreover, as a smaller alternative to traditional braces, we also facilitate Damon Braces. They require fewer dental visits and are a relatively new type of brace and metal wire setup. These braces use a slide mechanism instead of elastic bands to connect the arch wires, causing less friction and adjustment.

Also, Local Dental offers Lingual braces, which are the same as traditional/metal braces, but instead, they are placed on the inside of your teeth. This makes a difference for those who do not want to be seen with braces. They can be a bit more difficult to clean and are not recommended for severe cases of dental disruption.

Ceramic/Clear Braces

They are made of clear materials and mimic the color of your teeth and therefore, are less visible on your teeth than the traditional/metal braces. For this reason, ceramic braces are used mainly on older teenagers and adult patients who have cosmetic concerns and can maintain good oral hygiene. While they are visually less prominent, they do require more attention in comparison to their metal counterparts. Since ceramic braces are larger, expensive, and fragile, they are only used on upper teeth. While ceramic braces take slightly longer to correct tooth alignment than the traditional/metal braces, it also takes much less time than straightening teeth with clear aligners, so it is great for people that want results without the obvious option. Ceramic braces are perfect for professionals, busy adults as well as teens, to go about their lives without noticeable braces, that are easy to wear and at a quicker pace than with clear aligners.

So, dental braces are not just to improve a person’s smile or provide superior aesthetics but help improve oral health as well. Hence, care to save your smile for a lifetime and flaunt your new self. For everyone has the right to a perfect smile and orthodontic treatment using braces is the most natural way to achieve it.

Are you seeking Braces treatment or simply a discussion on what will be best for you?

Book a consultation with our dentist Dr. Kritika Mehra to discover the best Orthodontic treatment for you.

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The need to travel far and wide for your orthodontic needs has been cut down by Local Dental near you, as they provide the best care for your smile. For when it comes to wanting to improve it, anyone could benefit from these procedures. The only way to know for sure whether you can, by choosing from traditional braces, Invisalign, or tooth-colored/ ceramic braces, is to schedule an appointment with our dental experts and receive an at par treatment.

What is the process of an orthodontic treatment consultation at Local Dental?

A patient is to report with a full mouth X-Ray and a lateral profile X-Ray for facial, dental and skeletal evaluation. After viewing these X-rays and performing a clinical evaluation, the orthodontist will devise a treatment plan. You will also be given the treatment duration, cost, and a complete quotation. Once you have understood the treatment plan and are prepared to go ahead with the treatment, your treatment will begin.

Is the extraction of teeth required for orthodontic treatment?

Teeth extractions are not required for all orthodontic treatment. The reason teeth are extracted is when there is not enough space in the arch to move the teeth into alignment. The space obtained after teeth extraction is used to straighten teeth and align them. After a complete evaluation of the case, the dentist will inform one whether a dental extraction is needed.

How can one identify that their teeth are out of alignment?

Some of the common ways to do so is by observing the patterns of your pain. An aching jaw or chronic headaches are one of the first signs. Also, evidence of nighttime teeth grinding or jaw clenching, visibly misaligned teeth, tartar buildup between crowded teeth, frequently getting food lodged between certain teeth, soft tissue injuries due to teeth that jut out or are crooked are other early indications.

What are the benefits of getting one’s teeth aligned?

There is good value to getting your teeth straightened out as it gives efficiency in chewing food, improvement of speech, improvement in dental hygiene, ease of maintaining good oral hygiene, reduced risk of cavities, gum disease and attrition or grinding. It also corrects protrusion of teeth, which are a higher risk of trauma and improves smile that helps boost confidence and self-esteem.

What is the process to get braces?

This orthodontic treatment usually occurs in two phases: Active and Retention. While the active phase of treatment involves the movement of teeth into alignment, the retention phase includes retaining the teeth in their position using a retainer. It can be performed using removal and fixed appliances and sometimes, a combination of the two is also used. The type and approach of your orthodontic treatment will depend upon your case and the severity of the malocclusion.

Are there any special tools involved?

Each case is treated differently, and then appropriate appliances are chosen. These appliances are used to cause movement of teeth, refrain muscles and bring about jaw growth. Special types of appliances are used when treating children to direct jaw growth, and these are called as myofunctional appliances.

How can one take care of their braces?

The trick is to brush regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and tilt it at a 45-degree angle to get around the gum line, brackets, and along the chewing surfaces and backsides of your teeth. Also, it is important to floss to rid your mouth from the food particles and bacteria that get trapped between your teeth. Avoiding certain foods, such as hard candies, crunchy, or chewy foods, can save one from the damage to the natural teeth but also aid in potentially securing the wires to not pop-out or brackets to come off.

How long will it take for braces to straighten the teeth?

The length of orthodontic treatment for a patient is determined by multiple factors, which includes the severity of malocclusion, age, health of teeth, biologic response, etc. Nevertheless, typical orthodontic treatment takes between 12 and 36 months.

Is there any age limit to getting braces?

Many people have a misconception that dental braces are for kids. But it is not so. Yes, the ideal age to get braces treatment is during childhood but that does not mean adults cannot get teeth braces. Any individual with healthy teeth and gums can get their teeth aligned with braces treatment. In many cases, an orthodontic problem can be prevented by a timely intervention.

Are braces painful?

Dental braces are not painful. In most cases, there might be mild discomfort after the orthodontic wire is engaged into the brackets.

What should you avoid with braces?

With braces fixed on the teeth, one should avoid eating food that has sticky consistency or is hard enough as it can lead to the breaking of the brackets and thus delay the total treatment time.

What happens if one is not regular for their brace’s appointment?

If you are irregular in your appointments, then the intended time for the completion of the treatment will be prolonged and the teeth movement will be affected.

Can one stop an orthodontic treatment midway?

It is not advisable to stop orthodontic treatment midway as relapse will most likely occur.

Does a child need braces?

Yes, if they experience usual sufferings from a crooked, uncomfortable bite/irregular bites (underbites and overbites) or gaps in their teeth, causing difficulties with speech, eating, or gum disease. They may also need braces if the discomforted feeling persists while sleeping or are trailing towards the cause that can lead to sleep apnea.

What is the best time to get one’s child treated?

Orthodontic treatment is best carried out in children due to their flexible bones and continuing growth. Restore their smile by bringing them to the clinic near you, when their first permanent teeth erupt.

How long do Braces have to stay on for?

Most braces are adjusted every four to six weeks and must stay on for approximately one to three years. Once removed, a retainer may need to be worn for up to a year to keep your child’s teeth aligned in their new position.

What are orthodontic retainers?

They are custom-made device/apparatus that are usually made of wires and acrylic and hold recently fixed teeth in position while the encompassing gum and bone settles. They can be removable or fixed, contingent upon the first issue.

What is the purpose of retainers after having braces?

Falling under the ‘maintenance’ period, retention phase follows orthodontic treatment. It is generally used to avoid the risk of relapse i.e., the tendency of teeth to return to their original position. Relapse can occur due to multiple factors, which includes recoil of periodontal fibers, pressure from surrounding soft tissues, the occlusion and patient’s continued growth (as seen in adolescents). By using retainers to hold the teeth in their new position for certain length of time, the surrounding periodontal fibers can adapt to changes in the bone which will minimize any changes to the final tooth position after the completion of orthodontic treatment.

How long do the retainers need to be worn for?

Removable retainers are only required to be worn part-time, while fixed retainers consist of passive wire bonded permanently to the lingual surface (tongue side) of incisors.

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