Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners Treatment

Though we are not naturally born with perfectly aligned teeth, it is possible to get our teeth aligned using braces. And what better than self-litigating ceramic braces or as now popularly known – clear aligners. They are a great alternative to bracket and wire orthodontics. It is this technology that has now advanced to meet the patient needs as a popular option for orthodontic treatment.

Clear aligners - such as Invisalign - are an effective alternative with several benefits compared to traditional braces, especially for adults. Hence, they are preferred over traditional/metal braces. It is because of the traditional braces and their potential to lead to poor oral hygiene, that may result in swollen gums leading to gingivitis, which if left untreated can lead to lifelong health problems. But clear aligners, without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets, gently and constantly force the teeth to move in the required position.

Clear Aligners are transparent trays made of special material which are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They are custom made for each patient through a digital scan. Also, they were first used only on simple orthodontic cases, such as slightly crowded teeth, but now they are used for even the most advanced orthodontic cases. Therefore, not only have they taken away the social stigma of orthodontics, but they also tended to become efficient when it came to patients’ good oral health.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Custom manufactured using CAD/CAM technology for every person and designed to move teeth in the desired direction very slowly, clear aligners are the latest type of braces to have been introduced to make braces treatment even more aesthetic than ceramic braces. Essentially seen as transparent trays that need to be worn on upper and lower teeth to bring about teeth alignment, they are removable, invisible when worn on the teeth even at close distances and are totally comfortable.

The aligners come with an advantage i.e., they are very snugly fitting which over a period becomes virtually a part of the body and hence cause no speech problems. There are no restrictions on eating and drinking any foods as you will be removing them before every meal. Also, while brushing and ways to floss with braces of the fixed kind can be challenging, maintaining oral hygiene with these invisible braces is the easiest.

In order to effectively restore the smile by correcting dental issues such as overcrowded or crooked teeth, clear aligners are a fantastic option. One can experience its uniqueness through:


Their invisible appearance helps conceal the fact that the patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment, which can be embarrassing for some adults. Clear aligners also help hide existing gaps, another aesthetic benefit. Adolescent patients also prefer clear aligners for the same reason. The ability to customize a smile allows them to express themselves while straightening their smile.


Unlike traditional braces, patients can remove their clear aligners when they eat and brush their teeth. This allows them to continue their usual hygiene routine of brushing and flossing. Not only do clear aligners make cleaning easy, but they offer patients the freedom to eat what they want and brush their teeth normally, with the exception for never having it on especially while consuming anything hot. As clean aligners do not come off easily, as compared to traditional brackets, which may come loose anytime and can require additional as well as emergency orthodontic visits.

Health benefits

Many patients who have traditional braces find it difficult to properly take care of their teeth, because they either had poor oral hygiene to start with and do not adjust their cleaning routines while wearing braces, or they fall into poor oral hygiene habits once their brackets are placed. Oftentimes, patients will develop calcium deposits on the front of their teeth following orthodontic treatment. These deposits are visible when the braces are removed and require the patient either to have cosmetic work done or live with white spots on their teeth.

Hence the only thing that can go a long way with clear aligners and their advantages to give you a great smile is to carefully store it in a box, if not using, preventing it from getting dirty and taking good care of your oral hygiene. These precautions double the effect and will not let the treatment go in vain.

Have any further enquiries about Clear Aligners or wanting to get started on your journey to a perfect smile?

Book a consultation with our dentist Dr. Kritika Mehra to discuss your needs and what we can do for you.

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Clear aligners are an effective and cost-effective treatment for crowded teeth, gapped teeth, and some cases of overbites and underbites. And they need discipline for ensuring treatment success, for they are more than just a comfort option but a commitment to wear them for at least 20-22 hours a day for the effective results. And if acted upon diligently, they can ensure a speedy alignment. At Local Dental, when you are done with your treatment, you will receive the gift of that perfect smile you have always desired.

Are aligners as good as traditional/metal braces?

Aligners offer multiple advantages over traditional braces. With the trays being easy to remove, it allows one to eat and drink without food getting stuck in braces. They are also aesthetically pleasing and may not even be noticed when the patient is wearing them. Aligner trays can be more comfortable as there are no brackets involved that can otherwise create sores. Moreover, it is easy to keep these clear aligner trays cleaner than braces.

Can anyone get aligners?

Clear Aligners are an ideal orthodontic treatment for people of all ages. They are discreet, hassle- free, and remarkably effective. However, compliance is more demanding in the case of children. Parents considering aligners for their children must consult an orthodontist at their nearest Local Dental and ensure that the child is a perfect candidate for aligners.

How can one get an aligner fit for them?

This is achieved by digitally capturing impression and processing the information using specialized software, where the future projections for better results and straighter teeth are computed and then the milling machine automatically custom fabricates the set of trays for you. On average, a person needs approximately 25-40 sets for complete alignment.

Are the results permanent?

The results are permanent only if patients practice proper aftercare. There is a natural tendency for teeth to relapse after teeth aligners are removed. Ideally, retainers are used to avoid any chances of relapse. Patients can either opt for either fixed or removable retainers to ensure the results are permanent.

Would one need a retainer?

Our dental expert might advise retainers which will prevent your teeth to shift back to their previous location. Because even when the teeth are straightened, it does not necessarily mean that they will stay straight throughout. Hence, generally after treatment, you will be provided with a custom-made retainer. The retainer can either be removable or permanent, depending on preference.

How long does it take to recover?

Aligners present a much faster result than the traditional/metal braces. Getting accustomed to aligners is easy and the recovery time is also shorter. But in some cases, it can vary depending on the teeth straightening needs and overall patient compliance. Ideally, recovery time for aligners is between 13-15 months.

Are there any side-effects of the treatment?

No, there are no side effects. Aligners are one of the safest orthodontics treatments available. Further, our dentists suggest aligners only after proper assessment of the current state of the patient’s smile. Chances of irritation and discomfort are highly negligible, and most patients get accustomed to aligners within 2-3 weeks.

How long is one supposed to wear the aligners?

Treatment length varies depending on individual needs. Relying upon the state of your teeth, you may need to wear them for a time of one to two years. Consequently, consistently ensure that you keep your meeting with our dental specialist at a Local Dental near you. Finding the best invisible braces near you will give you the best improvement and results.

Are there any dietary restrictions that need to be followed?

Since there are relatively few post treatment rules separated from the essential ones, one may be approached to have a check on eating hard nourishments. You may have to expel them from your consumption.

What is the price of treatment?

Aligners are costlier than the traditional/metal braces. Further, aligners cost depends upon a patient’s smile restoration needs. However, considering its effectiveness in getting a perfect smile, the treatment is worth all its costs.

What can I expect during clear aligner treatment?

It may take a few weeks to get used to the aligner trays. Sensitivity and discomfort are common during the first few days. Your bite may feel different as your teeth are moving, but this is normal. Lisps and speech problems can also occur while you have the aligners in your mouth.

Are the aligners difficult to keep clean?

Most clear aligners are easy to keep clean. You can brush them lightly once or twice each day with a toothbrush and cool water. Non-abrasive toothpastes can usually be used as well, depending on the brand and aligner material.

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