General Examination

Comprehensive and Periodic Examination

A human body is one of the smartest and the most complex natural machines in the world, and just like every man-made machine, it also needs regular check and maintenance for it to perform at its best. Having a regular dental checkup will make sure that you do not have unresolved problems for long which ultimately turns into more serious and painful to fix.

What Is a Comprehensive and Periodic Examination?

At Local Dental, we indulge in a comprehensive check, where your dentist will thoroughly check both extra and intra oral tissues to make sure that they are problem free. This first dental check-up will also entail a thorough examination of your facial skin, TMJ, lips, intraoral mucosa, tongue, and teeth. Usually, this visit will involve taking of intra and extra oral photographs as well as some x-rays. Through this, the dentist will get a transparent picture of any problem areas that you have or are likely to arise.

Following the assessment of the mouth and teeth, they would then advise on any further treatment you may require. Thereafter, a clear outline of the treatment plan with possible future treatment and associated cost will be given. Majority of the time this appointment will also include cleaning of the teeth.

During your periodic checkup which usually is at every 6 months, your dentist will go through all the details as mentioned above and make sure that your photographs, x-rays, diet, and cleaning habits are all up to date. You will again be notified for any recommended treatment you may need with the relative treatment plan.

Looking to receive a check-up or have any questions regarding your oral health?

Book in to have a professional examination by our friendly dentists and discuss the best treatment for you.

Book An Appointment Now


As a part of any dental check-up, there are numerous possibilities that can result in you partaking in complex procedures that are more expensive as well as time consuming to perform. However, at Local Dental, the dentists enable you to engage in the preventive methods that can serve better than any cure. They guide you on how to improve your diet and apply cleaning techniques that can ensure that you are safe from any future problems.

Do I have to compulsorily get an x-ray and/or a clean?

A dental check-up is incomplete without up-to-date x-rays. As a patient, you have the power to decide whether you want this done or not, and Local Dental always works with their patients and respect their decision in relation to any treatment needed, communicating potential risks with you. Although, if your dentist doesn’t take an x-ray, they may miss diagnosing the existing problems with your teeth, gums or bone. This also applies to receiving a clean during your check-up. This is entirely up to the patient, but will be advised if it is required, and the risks associated if they do not receive this treatment.

What if there are no symptoms and I further do not want to get treated via the procedure the dentist has recommended?

The teeth and gums do not always hurt, even when they have active disease, like many other parts of the human body. At Local Dental, we can only do our best to bring this to your attention and explain how the treatment will add value in your overall dental health but ultimately it will be your decision whether to go ahead with the treatment or not. Our treatment philosophy respects our patients and their decisions first. In the case of no treatment, we, as your dental care provider, will try to minimise the future damage by providing you the best care and maintenance advise.

What if I want to get some work done on the same day?

During your comprehensive or periodic examination appointment, we have allocated a specific time for your appointment. If the job needed on your teeth/gum is remarkably simple and your dentist has enough time to perform the procedure without compromising the quality of the treatment, she/he will be willing to do the same.

We try our best to accommodate your wish to get the treatment done on the same day of the check-up. Hence, if you have an appointment coming up and you have identified some issues with your teeth, please inform us well in advance. Though, it all depends on the business of the appointment book, for we may or may not be able to take up your immediate requests.

Why Choose Us?

At Local Dental – where you come first – we have so much to offer to ensure you get the best care possible.


We are a wonder team soaring the skies of expertise by spreading the wings of experience that extends for over two decades, curing all your dental woes.

Technology/Innovation Driven
Technology/Innovation Driven

Equipped with modern technology, we are constantly adopting innovative methods to provide the best experience for you.

One Stop Shop
One Stop Shop

Access the benefits of special custom dental plans of any complexity, crafted to meet your individual dental needs.

Smile Now, Pay Later
Smile Now, Pay Later

Our clinic offers a range of affordable payment options and plans. It is our priority that you receive immediate treatment upon consultation and pay in a way which is convenient for you and fits in your family budget.

Emergency Service 24x7
Emergency Service 24x7

Our specialised dental team prioritise your health and are ready to correct any dental emergencies that may occur at any hour of the day.

Our Partnership
Our Partnership

We have amazing partners who not only understand but also constantly help us improve ways in which the dental clinic can aid in a patient’s comfort.

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