
Muscle Relaxant Treatment (Botox/ Dysport)

Looking to enhance certain facial features or achieve a more youthful look? At Local Dental we offer an injectable treatment in the place of surgery, using botulinum toxin, for both oral and maxillofacial cosmetic treatment. This treatment can be used to reduce facial lines or creases, defining the lips, soften unwanted wrinkles, and can also be used for therapeutic use.

Botulinum Toxin (BoNT-A) is an active ingredient in industry leading brands such as Botox® and Dysport®.  These are sterile pharmaceutical-grade proteins that target part of the face or body involved in muscle contraction. When these medications are administrated to a target muscle, the ability of that muscle to contract with the same strength is reduced. While the medication is eliminated from the body rapidly, these medications have long lasting effects, depending on the individual and their body. Gradually the muscle will return to its full function and with no side effects whatsoever.

Since, the dentists possess an in-depth knowledge of the oral and maxillofacial muscles, we are adept at tending to every condition and treating your problems, via these methods, due to our extensive training to ensure the proper injection sites for maximum relief.

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What Is Muscle Relaxant Treatment? (Botox/ Dysport)

For Bruxism

Used for various dental therapeutic procedures that can relieve pain and can retrain muscles, the treatment involving BoNT-A has the potential to enhance dental plans as well as alleviate critical disorders that have been a cause of worry to dental practitioners for many years.

Bruxism is a term that refers to destructive tooth clenching and/or grinding that can be the cause of dental problems including cracked teeth, early failure of dental restorations, enamel loss, tooth sensitivity and premature tooth loss. Botox can also help to reduce the movement of overactive jaw muscles that place destructive pressures on the jaw joints, which can lead to joint clicking, dislocation, pain or tenderness in the affected area, earaches, headaches, migraines, and general facial pain.

Both Botox® and Dysport®, can assist in treating these conditions by relaxing the overactive muscles that are responsible for causing the symptoms and stop them from being able to produce the destructive forces while not affecting normal function of the mouth, such as eating, talking, swallowing and smiling, etc.

If someone is suffering from jaw-related pain, it is possible to treat the cause without bite splints and mouth guards. These muscle relaxant injections aid in easing the locks in your jaw. By doing so, the chances for a headache from teeth clenching and jaw pain are also greatly reduced. This treatment also provides the aesthetic benefit of shrinking the jaw muscle to create a slimmer face.

For Cosmetic use

Botulinum toxin which is the active ingredient of Dysport®, is also used to reduce wrinkles and other facial asymmetries, such as a lop-sided smile. Dysport® is injected to relax the facial muscles, smoothing the wrinkles caused by movement of the muscles. It can also help to reduce gummy smiles by preventing the upper lip from moving too far when smiling, focusing on a muscle that runs from the side of the nose to the upper lip. Botox is also a popular treatment for frown lines, laugh lines, crow’s feet around the eyes and horizontal lines on the forehead.

Even as it is injected into the facial muscles, it really does not affect the muscle at all. Botulinum toxin affects and blocks the transmitters between the motor nerves that innervate the muscle. There is no loss of sensory feeling in the muscles.

Dysport® offers a chance to extend the oral-systemic connection to the esthetic realms and facial pain areas of the face which dentists are more familiar than any other healthcare practitioner.


At Local Dental, when it comes to in-chair muscle relaxant injections, skillful and certified dental practitioners work on your perioral areas around the mouth. However, it is important to clear all your doubts for the best and safest results and get an understanding of how one can benefit from this treatment.

How does BoNT-A work?

BoNT-A is a purified protein derived from the Clostridium botulinum bacteria which has a unique effect on the human body. It inhibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine depolarizes the motor end plate of the muscle and will cause a muscle contraction. BoNT-A effectively will either reduce the intensity of the contraction of the muscle or will eliminate the contraction altogether, depending on the dosage used and strength of the contraction.

Essentially, BoNT-A neurotoxin interrupts the contraction process of the muscles and causes a temporary muscle paralysis. This can last usually anywhere up to three months as the muscle initiates new acetylcholine receptors and the growth of branches from the neurons to form new synaptic contacts. Gradually the muscle returns to its full function and with no side effects whatsoever.

Can you name a few common areas where Botox® works?

It is commonly used for smoothing facial wrinkles around the forehead, between the eyes, around the lips for vertical lines and smile lines around the eyes- “crow’s feet”. Also, Botox® has important clinical uses as an adjunct in TMJ and bruxism cases, and for patients with chronic TMJ and facial pain.

Botox® is also used to complement esthetic dentistry cases, as a minimally invasive alternative to surgically treating high lip line cases and denture patients who have trouble adjusting to new dentures.

How does BoNT-A work for TMD/Bruxism?

After diagnosing bruxism/TMD/facial pain’s component, which is related to the activity of muscles of the face; dentists determine the dose of medication required depending on the severity of your condition.

The medication is administered by an injection into the target muscles from the outside of the face, using fine, sterile needles. The injection sites are specifically chosen to target the muscles that are contributing to your condition. Often, it is offered as a reversible, temporary, and minimally invasive treatment option and can also be used as a diagnostic tool by the dentists at Local Dental when trying to determine the exact nature and origin of the patient’s pain.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Many patients do report that the injections do ‘sting’ while the medication is being administered, however, this only lasts a few seconds. Immediately after treatment, the area may be red, bleed briefly and tingle or itch for a few minutes before feeling completely normal.

Although, it is especially important that one does not rub or manipulate the area of the injection for 4 hours. It begins to work after a few days and full results may not be felt for up to 2 weeks. For this reason, the patient should schedule a review appointment for 2 weeks after receiving treatment, at which time a further dose maybe required depending on results achieved.

One will notice a softening of facial pain and tension, but still be able to perform normal jaw and facial movements, with no effect on the ability to eat, talk or smile.

Are there any potential problems involved?

Assuming all the instructions are followed correctly, these medications have been shown to be exceptionally reliable and safe.

All medications do have the potential to cause unwanted side effects or complications, however we ensure that the assigned dentist will discusses these with you before proceeding with any treatment. While the problems are rare, the most common issues come from the injection process rather that the medication and can include redness, swelling, itching, bleeding and skin infection.

The medication may affect a muscle that it was not intended to, or it may cause excessive relaxation of the target muscle. If this occurs then it is possible that the appearance of one’s smile, function/movement of the mouth may be affected. Some patients also experience a small bruise at the injection site and/or report a general feeling of tiredness or ‘flu-like symptoms’ including a headache after receiving the treatment.

Is there anyone who should refrain from undergoing the treatment?

BoNT- A is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers and for those suffering from neuro-muscular and some autoimmune conditions. Also, it is not for those taking certain medications or with a known sensitivity to this medication. It is important to receive guidance from a dentist and advice from a healthcare provider to analyze your suitability.

Is there any post-procedure care required?

Generally, a patient can resume their normal activity immediately after the treatments. Depending on the area treated, it is suggested to avoid unnecessary touching or rubbing to injection sites on the day of treatment. Also, avoid exercising immediately if possible.

How long does it take to work, and how long does the treatment last?

A patient may notice the desired effect within 2 days, with peak-effect around 10-14 days after treatment. However, the results vary. Typically, it may last for 3-6 months, sometimes adding up to 12 months, depending on which areas are being treated and how much medication was applied. However, the results of a Dysport® treatment are not immediate. Results begin to appear 3-5 days after the injections, with maximum results taking up to two weeks.

How much does it cost?

Because each individual case is unique, depending on the severity of the case or the areas that need to be treated, it can be difficult to cap an amount. At Local Dental Clinic we offer several payment options and flexible terms to make for an affordable treatment with spectacular results. Don’t hesitate to book a consultation at our clinic to discuss your needs and cost.

Can I claim Botox® and Dysport® on my private health insurance?

Some funds will allow claims for therapeutic purposes (such as anti-grinding treatments) if the patient’s policy includes pharmacy cover. However, typically funds will not cover cosmetic treatments. It is for the best to check with one’s specific insurer to what one’s policy covers.

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