Cosmetic Smile Design

Cosmetic Smile Design Treatment  

Get people to notice you by enhancing your smile. Performed on those who have the desire to love what they see in the mirror; dentists and the laboratory apply and combine their extensive knowledge to digitally manipulate photographs and scans taken to create a durable smile transformation. With a consultation about your desired result, such as shade, height and shape, the dentists craft a visually appealing image for you and produce a longer lasting smile with a higher level of functionality.

During the first initial consultation at Local Dental, a full-mouth scan of one’s teeth is taken. These photographs are captured in our studio under specific lighting, angles, and different positions to allow for our dental experts and the laboratory technician to view the current condition of your teeth. This data is then used for further analysis of the bite and the shape of one’s teeth. This also allows a way to present your current concerns and dissatisfactions, for Local Dental dentists asks you multiple questions regarding what you are wishing to accomplish with your smile transformation. Once they have a clear idea and vision of what your goals are, they work with the laboratory technician through digital software via a shared screen. Here, your goals are applied, and a smile is created within compatibility of your current teeth. To suit one specifically, their facial features, smile image, lip, and gum lines are all considered within this process to gain the best result. 

This cosmetic smile design can be achieved with composite veneers, porcelain veneers, or crowns. After the choice is made, depending upon the condition of your teeth as well as decided by various factors taken into consideration and made known during a consultation; the outcome of the designed smile is printed into a 3D model. This then permits the dentist to perform a mock-up. A mock-up is crucial in every method as it is where you get a remarkably similar realistic idea of the smile achieved. Based on this any changes can be made before it is place on. The dentist creates a key by using the 3D model from the laboratory which is then filled with temporary material and applied over your current teeth. This process is where exceptionally fine details are brought to attention and adjustments are made, so that one can go home to their family and friends to gain their perspectives and thoughts.

Once you are satisfied with your final tooth position (FTP), Local Dental teeth experts create a treatment plan where the final quote is discussed. The patient will then be needed to sign and try in- FTP form which states that they are happy with the plan of your cosmetic smile design and are fully committed to the treatment plan created. 

What Is Cosmetic Smile Design?

Getting every individual to notice you and your mouth’s pleasant appearance, one can engage in three different types of restoration methods. We, at Local Dental, use composite veneers, porcelain veneers, and crowns to help you achieve and create the perfect idea of a smile. Irrespective of your budget, all these methods ensure an improved look and function of the teeth. While a veneer covers only the front layer of one’s tooth, a crown surrounds every surface of the tooth. However, the dentists here strongly suggest the best procedure to go forward with, only after an elaborate examination as well as keeping your main concerns and goals in the forefront.


Aiding in the betterment of a smile, the two types of materials we use at Local Dental with veneers are composite and porcelain. The material chosen specifically for the patient, depends upon their budget, preference, and the current condition of the teeth. 

Composite Veneers

Composite Veneers are a restoration method that allows for the correction of discolouration, misalignments, and chips. Although, they may not be suitable for everyone as individuals with heavily decayed or broken-down teeth will need to go with a method that includes a stronger material such as a crown or porcelain veneer. This is also due to the material, composite resin, being not as durable as the porcelain option and hence, being more prone to chipping. As a less expensive treatment, composite veneers only require one appointment after a mock-up as our dentist matches the composite resin material shade to your teeth, and then layers the resin in a way that they bond with your tooth accordingly to the smile design from the laboratory. Composite veneers are classified as the least invasive method with cosmetic smile designing because there is no shaving or drilling of the natural tooth required unless there is a cavity present. Once the resin is layered, cured, and polished, one can visibly witness a digital smile transformation.

Porcelain Veneers

Providing a strong aesthetic and functional solution to the concerns of your teeth, this restoration method is considered as the best procedure for your smile. Here, a very thin layer of ceramic porcelain shell covers the front layer of your natural tooth.

This treatment requires one to come to two different appointments after your mock-up - the preparation and the issue. These types of veneers add on to the existing tooth, which the dentist will need to shave some of the natural tooth to allow a little space for the porcelain. They then take impressions, either with a digital scan or using a mould of your prepared teeth. The desired shade is also recorded and all data, along with the measurements, is then sent to the laboratory where they create each veneer. As some of your tooth structure is taken away, the dental expert adds temporary material veneers until the porcelain veneers are received, which usually takes anywhere between 3-4 weeks. This is to prevent any sensitivity that may occur, and to ensure that one is not venturing in public with compromised natural teeth. Until then, any excessive activities should be limited, as to not risk the temporary material coming off. Once the personalised veneers are back from the laboratory, Local Dental issues and cements them to the natural teeth during final appointment.

Each porcelain veneer is fitted to each tooth individually and is made to feel and look very natural. If there is any change required before cementing, this is checked by either placing them on using a temporary paste or positioning them on the tooth, the veneer is sent back, to receive a complete and happy smile. However, if you are absolutely satisfied, then the porcelain veneers are cemented on using strong, trusted materials presenting you with the desired outcome.


Allowing the dental technicians to alter the shape, colour, and dimension of the tooth to achieve the desired look, crowns are a restoration method that cover the whole tooth surface in a 1-2mm thick layer of either porcelain or metals. It requires more trimming of the tooth structure than porcelain veneers to allow for a complete chewing surface and a correct bite.

Necessary in cases where the position of the tooth is not eligible for a porcelain veneer, this treatment is very detail oriented. Once the tooth is prepared with the appropriate margins the dentist takes an impression either using a digital scan or a mould. The shade is also taken and is sent away to the laboratory for fabrication which usually takes 3-4 weeks. Sometimes a combination of porcelain veneers and crowns is also used to create the best results that match your personal goals. During this procedure, temporary yet unnoticeable crowns on the prepared tooth is placed to prevent any sensitivity in the meantime.

However, utmost care is required during this time, as the material which it is composed is not durable. Hence, there are high chances of the temporary crown falling or coming off. Therefore, as a preparedness measure, we advise on keeping the social levels at a minimum, so that the temporary crown can remain fixed in place without complications. Once the crown is received from the laboratory, one can book a final appointment to ensure the patient is 100% satisfied with the crown, and to have the crown issued.

This happiness with work gains further confidence when the crowns are tried on with a temporary paste or by just fitting them onto the tooth without any adhesive. Thereby, if any adjustments need to be made, the crowns can be sent back to the laboratory for changes. But if, it fits perfectly to your mouth, then all our experts need to do is to cement the crowns, for you to have an accomplished result.

Desiring to discuss the best option suited to achieve your perfect smile?

Receive a professional assessment by our dentists to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for you.

Book An Appointment Now


A smile is the simplest way to communicate happiness and confidence. And what better way to do that then to have it specially customised for you? At Local Dental, our Cosmetic Smile Design treatment will ensure that there is a bright side waiting for every molar and canine.

How long is the process for composite veneers?

Composite veneers are usually divided into three appointments: consult, mock-up, and issue. To allow for Local Dental dentists and the laboratory to design as well as depending on our availability and your visits, it can take anywhere between 1-2 months*.

Is getting porcelain veneers or crowns a lengthy task? 

Porcelain veneers and crowns involve four appointments: consultation, mock-up, preparation of the teeth, and the issue. An additional visit may be required if there are any adjustments that need to be made. 

How long do composite veneers last compared to porcelain veneers? 

Depending on good maintenance of one’s oral health care, composite veneers can last just as any other dental fillings, which is usually 5-8 years. Although, it is the porcelain veneers that can remain in usable condition for around 8- 15 years, sometimes, even 20+ years. However, neither composite nor porcelain veneers have an ‘expiry date’.

When should one replace the veneers?

If the patient is satisfied with their appearance, there is no need to replace them. With good care, even the occasional decay and/or the chip can be prevented.

Do composite veneers change in colour? 

Composite veneers do have the risk of becoming stained or discoloured due to their less polished surface as compared to the porcelain veneers. Hence, we strongly encourage patients to not drink too much coffee or smoke, as this has a major effect on the shade. 

What happens if the temporary veneer or crown falls off?   

It is important for you not to worry and immediately call your nearest Local Dental Clinic. This ensures that we can get you a new set of temporary veneers as soon as we can. Our dentists ensure that once you visit us, you get the best service and after care.

Does the dentist have to shave or file down the teeth?  

Yes. But this is only when the patient is considering porcelain veneers or a crown. If it is the case of composite veneers and they do not have any cavities, then absolutely no drilling is required for the same. 

Can I whiten my teeth before or after any of these procedures?  

Before any treatment begins, a patient can get their teeth whitened, so that a match for the same tone as your natural teeth can be made. The veneers and crowns do not whiten with the bleaching process and will remain their initial colour. 

Will there be charges incurred to initial discussion?  

Each case is different and therefore, a call to entail in a dental procedure cannot be taken without a detailed consultation. Hence, a small fee is charged for the same. Our dental experts will let you know before proceeding if there are any other investigations required, such as X-rays, wherein additional cost may be applied. 

Are there any payment plans offered?  

Our practice has a pay on the day policy. So, one can choose to avail the best dental service via any method of payment including upfront, or through After pay and Zip pay. We even engage in the flexibility of paying as and when the appointments are scheduled, relieving you of the stress to pay the whole amount at once.

Will the health insurance cover any costs for the veneers or crowns?   

This will depend on the category of health insurance taken by the patient. At Local Dental, we always recommend checking with the provider for the item numbers given prior to any treatment plan. 

Why Choose Us?

At Local Dental – where you come first – we have so much to offer to ensure you get the best care possible.


We are a wonder team soaring the skies of expertise by spreading the wings of experience that extends for over two decades, curing all your dental woes.

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Technology/Innovation Driven

Equipped with modern technology, we are constantly adopting innovative methods to provide the best experience for you.

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One Stop Shop

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Smile Now, Pay Later

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Emergency Service 24x7

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