Why Early Detection and Treatment of Gum Disease is always Important?

Published Date: 13/04/2023

Category: Bleeding Gums

Why Early Detection and Treatment of Gum Disease is always Important?

Periodontitis develops from gum disease that is not treated. Aside from other serious health issues, this may lead to tooth decay. You will need dentures if you have severe gum infections since they harm the soft tissues and eventually destroy the supportive structure of your teeth. Periodontal disease symptoms are present in about 42% of the population worldwide. Make sure to have a dental checkup as soon as possible to get a prompt diagnosis of gum disease.

One of the most common factors in tooth loss is gum disease. Both tooth loss and periodontitis can be avoided if the condition is detected early on. This highlights the need for routine dental exams and proper oral hygiene.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health issues that people encounter. Dental health is essential to overall health. Periodontal disease, sometimes referred to as gum disease, is an infection of the gums brought on by bacteria that build up on the teeth and gums.

Gingivitis –  Inflammation of the gums- the First Stage of Gum Problems

Gum bleeding, swelling, foul smell are all signs of gingivitis. Although gingivitis symptoms are quite modest, it's still crucial to get dental care at an early stage to avoid periodontitis.

Periodontitis – Infection of the gums- the Second Stage of Gum Problems

On top of the gingivitis symptoms, Periodontitis is also accompanied with calculus formation, recession, loss of the jaw bone and eventually teeth. Early diagnosis and treatment is key in ensuring long term dental health.

What are the Causes of Gum Disease?

Plaque buildup on teeth and gums is the main contributor to gum disease. On the teeth and gums, plaque, a sticky coating of germs, accumulates. Plaque becomes tartar when it is not routinely eliminated by brushing and flossing; tartar cannot be removed by brushing alone. The early stage of gum disease known as gingivitis can be brought on by tartar buildup.

Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, a serious form of gum disease if it is not treated right away. Damage to the bone, gums, and other tissues that support the teeth can result from periodontitis. The teeth may eventually grow loose, fall out, or need to be extracted.

In addition, the following things can cause gum disease:

  • Smoking and Using Tobacco
  • Genetics
  • Unsound Nutrition
  • Several Drugs That Cause Mouth Dryness
  • Hormonal Changes, such as those that occur during Menopause And Pregnancy
  • Various Systemic Disorders, Including Diabetes
  • Stress

What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gingivitis, one of the early stages of gum disease, may not show any symptoms at all. Yet, if the illness worsens, these signs could manifest:

  • Red, swollen, or sensitive gums
  • Gums that bleed when you brush or floss
  • Recessed gums
  • Shifting or loose teeth
  • Persistent poor breath or an unpleasant aftertaste
  • Changing teeth's contact patterns when biting or chewing 

5 Reasons Why Early Gum Disease Detection Is a Must?

Gum disease early identification is essential for sustaining dental health. Here are five explanations why early gum disease detection is crucial:

1. Stops the Progression of Gum Disease

The milder form of the disease, gingivitis, can develop into the more serious form, periodontitis, of gum disease, which is a degenerative condition. Early gum disease discovery enables timely treatment, which can stop the disease from developing into a severe stage. Periodontitis, the disease's advanced stage, can seriously harm the bone, gums, and teeth.

2. Decreases the Chance of Tooth Loss

Gum disease if untreated might result in tooth loss. When the condition affects the tissues that support the teeth, the teeth may become loose and eventually fall out. Gum disease can be treated early on to save your natural teeth and prevent tooth loss.

3. Enhances General Health

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses have all been connected to gum disease. Early gum disease detection and treatment can help stop these potentially dangerous health issues. Also, by lowering inflammation in the body, treating gum disease might enhance your general health.

4. Minimises The Risk of Gum Recession

When gum disease is not treated, a frequent issue called gum recession can develop. The condition may cause the gums to recede, exposing the tooth roots and raising the possibility of decay and discomfort. Gum recession can be stopped and the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth preserved with early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease.

5. Saves Time and Money

Early treatment of gum disease is often less intrusive and more affordable than late treatment. For instance, treating gingivitis frequently only requires professional cleaning to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup. On the other hand, treating periodontitis may necessitate surgery, a more invasive and pricey operation. By avoiding the need for later, more involved dental procedures, early detection and treatment of gum disease can save you time and money.

How To Detect and Treat Gum Disease With Ease?

Don't procrastinate practising good oral hygiene and keeping regular dental cleaning appointments until you notice the warning signs and symptoms of gum disease. It's crucial to always:

Adhere To Basic Hygiene Guidelines

For any problem, the most important thing is to rectify the basics and maintain the basic health practices is also one of them. For any gum disease or dental issues, basic care is the first step.

Brush: For the best gum health, brush your teeth and gum line twice a day.

Floss: Just including flossing in your twice-daily oral hygiene routine will significantly lower your chances of developing gum disease. When you floss, you remove food particles that brushing by itself misses and which, if left in your mouth, will develop into damaging plaque.

Mouthwash: Employ mouthwash as an additional measure to eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

A nutritious diet full of vitamins and minerals will help you build a stronger immune system and stave off gum disease. Avoiding meals and drinks that are high in sugar and acid can also help avoid tooth decay, which can result in gum disease.

Make Routine Appointments For Preventative Dental Cleanings

Most people should schedule preventative dental visits at least every six months, according to recommendations. Hygienists and Dentists can assist with removing excessive plaque and tartar accumulation, testing and examining your gums for disease symptoms, and determining the stage of gum disease you are now experiencing.

During a routine dental checkup, if your dentist finds that you have gum disease, they may advise you to consult a periodontist. Dentists that specialise in treating gum disease are called periodontists. If necessary, they can do more complicated surgical procedures. Here are 3 ways how your Dental Practitioners can help you out with Gum Disease Treatment.

Root planing and Scaling

Gum disease can be treated non-surgically using scaling and root planing. The technique comprises cleaning the teeth of plaque and tartar buildup and flattening the tooth roots to stop bacteria from accumulating.


Gum disease may be treated with antibiotics, particularly if the condition is severe. Antibiotics can aid in lowering oral bacterial populations and halting the spread of the illness.


Surgery may be required in severe gum disease situations to remove damaged gum tissue and restore the gums' health. Depending on the extent of your gum disease, your dentist or periodontist can advise you on the best course of action.

So, What can we say in a nutshell?

To maintain good oral and general health, early gum disease detection and treatment are essential. Gum disease is a chronic condition that gets worse over time and can result in tooth loss, gum recession, and other major health issues. Gum disease can be stopped from forming or worsening by regular dental examinations, appropriate oral hygiene practices, a nutritious diet, and the treatment of underlying health issues. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can if you have any signs of gum disease, such as swollen, red, or bleeding gums. You can stop the disease from spreading and maintain your healthy teeth and gums for years to come with early detection and fast treatment.

Do You Fear That You May Suffer From Periodontal Disease?

Our team of experts at Local Dental Clinic and Orthodontics in Deniliquin, NSW Australia, can assist whether you are a frequent patient or a new one. To start controlling your dental health and wellness with early identification and treatment of infections, schedule a consultation visit with our expert dentists now.

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