How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

Published Date: 13/03/2024

Category: Dental Checkups

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

How often do you notice people being hesitant to have other people close to them during conversation? While many things can lead to feeling uncomfortable, one of the biggest concerns is bad breath.

Bad breath can often lead to people keeping their distance from you. While uncomfortable, it is common, and there are methods to achieve better breath and confidence.

In this article, we will delve into this uncommon but unavoidable topic, and suggest ways to help you stay more connected and communicative with your social group, and allow you to smile and communicate confidently.

Let’s discuss.

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath, scientifically termed halitosis, is characterized by unpleasant odors originating from the mouth. 

It occurs when bacteria present in the oral cavity break down food particles, proteins, and other substances, releasing foul-smelling gases as byproducts. These gases, such as volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs), contribute to the distinctive odour associated with bad breath.

This process creates the unpleasant odour we commonly recognize as bad breath.

Major Causes of Having a Bad Breath

As we discussed earlier, bad breath can have multiple causes, and we can mainly divide them into three categories: lifestyle choices, poor hygiene, and challenging medical conditions. Let’s dig into these three reasons and understand what makes them the root cause of bad breath.

1. Lifestyle and Dietary Factors:

Dietary Choices: 

Certain foods like garlic, onions, and spices contain sulphur compounds that can linger in the mouth and contribute to bad breath. Additionally, foods high in sugars and acids can promote bacterial growth, leading to odour.


Not drinking enough water can result in dry mouth, reducing saliva production. Saliva helps rinse away food particles and neutralise acids, so dehydration can contribute to bad breath.

Alcohol and Tobacco Use: 

Alcohol consumption can lead to dry mouth and also contribute to the growth of odour-causing bacteria. Smoking and chewing tobacco not only stain teeth but also leave behind a distinct and unpleasant odour.

Low-Carb or Fasting Diets: 

Following low-carbohydrate diets or prolonged fasting can lead to the production of ketones, which can result in a fruity or acetone-like odour on the breath, known as "keto breath."

Coffee and Strong Beverages: 

Beverages like coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks can leave a lingering odour in the mouth, especially when consumed without adequate water to rinse away residues.

2. Poor Oral Hygiene Practices:

Irregular Brushing and Flossing: 

Neglecting to brush teeth twice a day and floss daily allows food particles to accumulate in the mouth, promoting bacterial growth and leading to bad breath.

Skipping Tongue Cleaning: 

Bacteria can accumulate on the surface of the tongue, especially towards the back. Failing to clean the tongue regularly can contribute to bad breath.

Infrequent Dental Check-ups: 

Regular dental visits are essential for professional cleanings and early detection of dental issues like cavities and gum disease, which can cause bad breath if left untreated.

3. Medical Conditions:

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): 

Reduced saliva flow, often caused by medications, medical conditions, or mouth breathing, creates an environment conducive to bacterial growth and bad breath.

Gum Disease (Periodontitis): 

Advanced gum disease can cause pockets to form between the teeth and gums, trapping food particles and bacteria. This can lead to chronic bad breath.

Sinus Infections and Postnasal Drip: 

Excess mucus produced during sinus infections or allergies can drip down the back of the throat, carrying bacteria and contributing to bad breath.

Acid Reflux (GERD): 

Stomach acid flowing back into the oesophagus and even reaching the mouth can cause a sour or acidic odour on the breath.

Respiratory Infections: 

Infections such as colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and mucus in the respiratory tract, resulting in bad breath.

11 Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath 

Keeping your breath fresh is essential for feeling confident in social situations. Whether you're dealing with occasional bad breath or looking for ways to maintain long-term freshness, these simple tips can help you achieve a clean and confident smile.

1. Stay Hydrated 

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps wash away food particles and bacteria, keeping your mouth moist and your breath fresh.

2. Healthy Food Habits 

Opt for crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery as snacks. These foods stimulate saliva production, help cleanse the mouth, and provide essential nutrients for overall oral health. Additionally, limit sugary and acidic foods, as they promote bacterial growth and can contribute to bad breath.

3. Quit Smoking 

Smoking not only stains teeth but also dries out the mouth and leaves behind a strong odour. Quitting smoking can significantly improve the freshness of your breath.

4. Oil Pulling 

Swish one tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. This practice helps remove bacteria and toxins that can cause bad breath.

5. Tongue Scraping 

Use a tongue scraper to gently remove bacteria, food debris, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue, where odour-causing compounds often accumulate.

6. Green Tea Rinse 

Rinse your mouth with green tea, which contains polyphenols that can help inhibit the growth of odour-causing bacteria.

7. Hydrate with Lemon Water

Sip on lemon water throughout the day. The citric acid in lemon water stimulates saliva production and helps cleanse the mouth of bacteria.

8. Fennel Seeds 

Chew on a few fennel seeds after meals. Fennel seeds contain antimicrobial properties and can help freshen breath naturally.

9. Cloves 

Chew on a clove or two for a few minutes. Cloves have antibacterial properties and can help kill off odour-causing bacteria in the mouth.

10. Stress Management

Stress can lead to dry mouth and increase the production of odour-causing compounds. Practicing stress-relief techniques like deep breathing or meditation may help improve breath freshness.

11. Regular Dental Check-ups 

Schedule regular dental visits for professional cleanings and check-ups. Your dentist can detect and address any underlying dental issues that may be contributing to bad breath.

How and When A Dentist Can Help You Fight Bad Breaths?

We know that 80% of people try to deal with such issues at home first, and that’s where home remedies get more popular attention. But, despite diligent home care, persistent bad breath may require professional intervention. Here, let’s try to understand when and how a dentist can help to fight with bad breath.

When should you visit the dentist for a bad breath?

If bad breath persists despite practising good oral hygiene habits, or if you experience other symptoms like bleeding gums or dry mouth, it's time to schedule a visit to the dentist. If bad breath is accompanied by pain or discomfort in the mouth, it may indicate an unavoidable dental issue that requires prompt attention. 

How Can A Dentist Help You Get Rid of Bad Breath?

When it comes to fighting bad breath, a dentist can make a significant difference:

  • Comprehensive Exam: Dentists identify underlying dental issues like gum disease or infections that cause bad breath.
  • Professional Cleanings: Regular cleanings remove bacteria buildup, preventing future bad breath.
  • Personalized Care: Dentists create customized oral hygiene plans to improve brushing and flossing techniques.
  • Gum Disease Treatment: Treating gum disease eliminates a common cause of bad breath.
  • Detecting Systemic Issues: Dentists can recognize signs of underlying health issues that may contribute to bad breath.
  • Education: Dentists educate patients on factors contributing to bad breath and offer guidance for maintaining oral health.


In the battle against bad breath, knowledge and proactive measures are your allies. But, for persistent halitosis, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance from our team at Local Dental Clinic in Deniliquin, Australia, we're dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral health and confidence. Please schedule your appointment today and let us help you fight with bad breath.


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