Best Food Habits for Healthy Teeth - What to Eat and What Not

Published Date: 25/10/2022

Category: Oral Health

Best Food Habits for Healthy Teeth - What to Eat and What Not

Probably familiar with the adage "you are what you eat" That statement is really true; just like any other part of the body, teeth and gums require nutrition to be in good health. That implies tooth decay or gum disease can develop fairly quickly if we don't give our mouths enough nutrients.

More than just your waistline can be impacted by what you eat. You should also consider what foods are good for your oral health! When we consume acidic foods and beverages while also drinking, it attacks our teeth for more than 20 minutes after we finish eating. The hard enamel on our teeth will be harmed if this continues over time, leaving them more brittle than before and greatly facilitating the growth of gum disease and cavities.

Eating nutrient-dense foods from all food groups supports total bodily well-being as well as dental health. So to keep those pearly whites shining bright, maintain a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein sources, calcium-rich foods like dairy products, or leafy green vegetables like spinach, whole grains, etc.

Today in this article we are pointing our discussion toward Food habits for Better Oral Health. Let’s get started.

What to Eat for Healthy Teeth?- Good Food For Oral Health

Calcium-rich foods, such as milk, and cheese, are excellent for your teeth nutritionally. Calcium is essential for teeth to maintain their strength and enamel coating. However, because they do not promote the growth of bacteria when consumed, these two meals are particularly excellent for your teeth.

Additionally, when eaten, poultry, almonds, different sorts of meat, and green vegetables all have a similar effect on your teeth. These foods are gentle on the enamel and include a lot of nutrients that are vital for healthy teeth.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of protein and calcium. A healthy diet must include nuts, which are also wonderfully filling. Because they are low in carbohydrates and sugar and have antibacterial properties, nuts help prevent tooth decay. Additionally, chewing on nuts stimulates salivation, and the more saliva produced, the less chance there is for bacteria to grow and remain in your mouth. If you don't know how to incorporate nuts into your diet, consider having a handful of almonds as a quick afternoon snack or mixing some into a salad for lunch or dinner to provide some protein.

  1. Veggies and Fruits

Fruit and vegetables, particularly those high in fiber, are excellent for the health of our mouths, as you probably already knew would be on our list. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables actually exfoliate our teeth in a similar way to how a toothbrush might. Additionally, these foods require a bit more time to chew, which increases salivation and prevents acid attacks in the mouth. As they are rich in calcium and water, crisp vegetables and salad greens are also excellent additions to your diet.

  1. Cheese

There are many reasons why cheese is great for maintaining healthy teeth. First off, it has a low sugar level and a high calcium content, giving you the strongest possible teeth. Second, since our bones are primarily composed of proteins, casein found in cheese helps to fortify tooth enamel by strengthening the protein matrix of our bones. Finally, chewing on some mouthwatering cheddar helps to produce more saliva, which helps to wash away any bacteria from all the smiling we do while enjoying this wonderful dish.

  1. Milk & Yogurt

Milk and yogurt are deserving additions to our list because they are high in calcium and protein. Protein and calcium help to strengthen teeth, and healthy teeth indicate a mouth as a whole. Milk and plain yogurt both contain little sugar, making them enjoyable and delicious snacks that won't cause tooth damage. Additionally, it has been discovered that drinking milk after desserts and other sweet snacks will neutralize the acids created in the mouth that might promote germs and prevent cavities (though not as a replacement for brushing or flossing).

  1. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens that work well include swiss chard, spinach, kale, arugula, collard greens, and kale. Leafy greens are low-calorie vegetables that are rich in calcium and folic acid, which means the advantages for your mouth are unlimited. They are also full of vitamins and minerals and should be a mainstay in any diet. Try a green smoothie with banana, spinach, milk, and berries if you're having trouble getting your fill of vegetables.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Actually, dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao content can assist maintain the health of your teeth. A substance called CBH found in dark chocolate helps build our tooth enamel and lower our risk of tooth decay. Since the cocoa bean is the source of all this deliciousness, darker chocolate is healthier for you overall. When compared to milk or white chocolate, dark chocolate often has less sugar, making it a healthier option when you're desiring something sweet.

  1. Black and Green Tea

Good news for tea enthusiasts! The micronutrients called polyphenols found in green and black tea inhibit the harmful bacteria in our mouths that cause plaque. Our mouths are loaded with microorganisms and residual carbohydrates after eating. These carbohydrates are a catalyst for the bacteria's production of acids, which erode our tooth enamel and harm our teeth. Tea is a fantastic beverage to drink during or after meals because of its ability to kill microorganisms. However, try to keep the amount of sugar you put in your tea to a minimum.

  1. Water

Last but not least. We are aware that water isn't exactly food, but it ought to be mentioned. We want to emphasize how vital water is for your mouth as well as your body. Any items you may have eaten that are sticky, unhealthy, or bad for your teeth are rinsed away with water. Water can stand in for brushing and flossing until you can get to a toothbrush, but it doesn't replace them. Each day, try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

What to Avoid for Healthy Teeth? - Bad Food for Oral Health

Your teeth and gums are significantly more susceptible to the idea that you are what you eat. You're not only fueling yourself when you consume alcohol and starchy or sugary foods. Additionally, you're nourishing the bacteria in your mouth that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. A thin, invisible film of sticky bacteria and other substances is known as plaque. It completely encloses every tooth's surface. Acids are created in your mouth when sugars or carbohydrates interact with plaque. Following your meal, for at least 20 minutes, these acids can harm your teeth. Attacks that are made repeatedly can wear down the tough enamel that covers teeth. Tooth decay results from this. Additionally, the bacteria in plaque cause inflammation. This causes the breakdown of the gums, bone, and other supporting structures of your teeth.

Sticky Sweets and Candies

Choose sweets that leave your mouth fast if you indulge in them. So avoid processed sugar-containing candy like lollipops, caramels, and cough drops. There has been a lot of promotion for chocolate's ability to prevent cavities (largely by studies funded by the candy industry). This hasn't been fully established. But according to experts, chocolate cleans teeth faster than other chocolates. Yes, dark chocolate (70 percent cacao) has certain health advantages. According to many studies, chocolate is not as unhealthy for you as other sweet foods.

Starchy Food that Stuck in Teeth

For instance, potato chips and soft bread can become stuck between your teeth.

Soft Drinks

For children and teenagers, these beverages constitute the main source of added sugar. They contain a lot of sugar. Additionally, the phosphoric and citric acids in the majority of soft drinks erode tooth enamel.

Things that make your mouth dry

These include booze and numerous medications. If medications are to blame, discuss getting a fluoride rinse or fluoride toothpaste with your dental care practitioner.


It may become caught between your teeth and encourage the growth of bacteria. Those sharp kernels can nick your gums or even break your teeth.


Dehydration and dry mouth are side effects of alcohol usage. The lack of saliva over time can lead to major problems like gum disease and tooth decay.


Because wine contains alcohol, it will cause tongue drying. Red wine includes tannins that damage enamel and stain your teeth. However, white wine is much more acidic than red, making it easier for stains and discoloration to occur on your teeth.

Wrapping it up:

Along with maintaining a healthy diet, you may prevent cavities by practicing basic dental hygiene habits like brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day. Long-term dental health also benefits from drinking water that has been fluoridated.

Although your diet has a significant impact on your ability to keep a healthy smile, brushing, flossing, using mouthwash twice daily, and scheduling routine dental visits are the most crucial behaviors. Book your appointment now with our expert dentists at the Local Dental Clinic and get ready to keep smiling.

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