What's the usual Recovery Time for Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Published Date: 04/07/2024

Category: Wisdom Teeth

What's the usual Recovery Time for Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a pretty common procedure, but it can still feel a bit scary. If you or someone you know is about to go through this, you might be wondering how long it takes to bounce back. In this discussion, we will cover what to expect during recovery. We will also discuss how to manage pain. And, we will cover some tips for a speedy recovery.

Wisdom Teeth Surgery and Its Recovery

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that usually pop up in your late teens or early twenties. Sometimes, they lack room to grow right. This can cause pain, infections, or other dental problems. That’s when your dentist might suggest having them removed.

But the point we're discussing here is

Recovery Time from Wisdom Teeth Surgery

So, Let’s be very honest here. Recovery time can vary, but most people start feeling better after a few days. Normally, the recovery timeline should be:

  • The first 24 hours are when you might feel the most discomfort. Your face might be swollen, and there could be some bleeding.
  • 2-3 days post surgery is the time where swelling usually is on the peak and then starts to go down. Also, the pain should start to decrease during this time.
  • After the first Week of surgery, most of the major swelling and discomfort should be gone. You’ll likely feel a lot better, but still need to take it easy.
  • By the end of the second week, you should be mostly back to normal. But, the gums might take longer to fully heal.

But, you must be thinking about the pain you are feeling during this time. So, let’s take a look on,

Managing the Pain and Recovery after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Let’s be honest again. Pain is part of wisdom teeth surgery. But, there are many ways to keep it under control.

  • Your dentist might prescribe some painkillers or suggest over-the-counter options like ibuprofen. Make sure you take them as directed! 
  • Applying ice packs to your cheeks can help reduce swelling and numb the pain. Just remember, don’t put the ice directly on your skin—wrap it in a cloth first. 
  • Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help. It keeps the area clean and soothes discomfort.
  • Once the pain will give you some relief and room to think. The first thought that pops-up in your mind is how to speed up the recovery. Here are some top tips to help speed up your recovery.

First off, rest. Take it easy for the first few days. Seriously, this is your excuse to binge-watch your favourite shows and let others take care of you. Drink plenty of water, but avoid using straws. The sucking action can dislodge the blood clot that’s helping your gums heal, and trust me, you don’t want that. 

When sleeping, use an extra pillow to keep your head elevated. This helps reduce swelling and makes you more comfortable.

Some Precautions to Take for Speedy Recovery

To ensure a smooth recovery, keep these precautions in mind:

  1. Avoid Smoking. It can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications.
  2. Avoid Straws or sucking postures. It can dislodge the blood clot and cause a painful condition called dry socket.
  3. Follow your dentist’s instructions on specific aftercare instructions—stick to them!
  4. Follow some dietary restrictions. Whatever you eat after surgery can make a big difference in your recovery. For the first 24 Hours, stick to soft foods like yogurt, applesauce, and mashed potatoes. Avoid hot and spicy foods. Gradually introduce more solid foods, but stay away from anything crunchy or hard. Avoid foods that can get stuck in the extraction site, like nuts and seeds.
Putting it all together,

Wisdom teeth surgery might not be the highlight of your year. But, these tips can help make your recovery much smoother. Remember to relax. Follow your dentist’s advice. Soon, you’ll be back to enjoying all the good things in life. 

Are you preparing for wisdom teeth removal or need dental advice? The friendly team at Local Dental Clinic is here to help. We’re committed to making your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Give us a call today to book your appointment or just to chat about any concerns you might have. Your smile is in good hands with us.

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