Whitening Your Teeth During Invisalign Treatment in NSW, Australia

Published Date: 21/11/2022

Category: Teeth Whitening

Whitening Your Teeth During Invisalign Treatment in NSW, Australia

Millions of people have regained their smiles and confidence because of teeth whitening. However, your options are constrained if you wear aligners and retainers. You don't want to risk damaging that investment by using whitening procedures that aren't all safe to use while wearing Invisalign.

The remedy is professional whitening using Invisalign. The technique employs your aligners or retainers as your whitening trays and is not just secure while you are receiving treatment. And it produces effects after just one session. Is it, however, the best system for you? Let's get into this article's details.

How Does Invisalign Teeth Whitening System Works?

Due to their flexibility, Invisalign aligners can be taken out at any point during the course of therapy. This can provide you the opportunity to carry out any teeth-whitening intentions you may have had.

Expert opinions on Invisalign, however, sometimes suggest that it isn't always this simple. While receiving Invisalign treatment, whitening your teeth depends on a number of variables. Some of them consist of:

1. Availability of Attachments

Some patients receive braces that are affixed to their teeth with cement. These attachments aid in accelerating the treatment by causing the teeth to move more quickly. During treatment, it is simple to put in and take out Invisalign aligners, but this is not the case for the attachments. Only your orthodontist can remove them because they are difficult to do so.

Additionally, removing these attachments before finishing your treatment could render it all worthless.

Typically, Invisalign attachments are affixed to the teeth. In other words, whitening your teeth while using Invisalign attachments will prevent the area under the attachments from becoming whiter. Your teeth's colour becomes inconsistent as a result. It may be wise to hold off on teeth whitening until after your orthodontic treatment is complete.

2. Stage of Treatment

Starting a teeth-whitening regimen may not be a smart idea if you are still receiving orthodontic treatment. Your teeth are still moving, and this movement may conceal or reveal some areas of unwhitened teeth or areas that the whitening gel was unable to reach. It would therefore be wise to postpone teeth whitening until you are practically finished with your orthodontic treatment.

In addition, it's thought that straighter teeth whiten more effectively than crooked teeth. Early on, when the teeth are not yet well aligned, using the whitening solution may prevent it from evenly coating all surfaces that would be exposed following the procedure.

3. Sensitive Teeth

Because some individuals' teeth are naturally more sensitive, orthodontic treatment would only make them more sensitive. If you were to add teeth whitening to the already-sensitive teeth, it would become too much to bear.

Additionally, bleaching already sensitive teeth while receiving orthodontic treatment will just expose you to more difficulties.

Benefits of Professional Invisalign Whitening

1. Speed

The majority of professional whitening procedures demand some advance preparation and some sitting time, usually lasting at least an hour and occasionally longer. The 30-minute Invisalign Professional Whitening procedure.

2. Designed for Aligners

Certain whitening procedures should not be used when wearing clear aligners. However, Invisalign Professional Whitening was created expressly to work with both aligners and retainers without causing any harm.

3. Minimal Sensitivity

The sensitivity you could feel from Invisalign Professional Whitening is lessened by a number of reasons. First, the retainers or aligners aid in keeping the gel away from the gums. Second, compared to hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide is kinder. Finally, fluoride and potassium nitrate fortify the enamel to safeguard the tubules where sensitivity develops.

Drawbacks of Professional Invisalign Whitening

1. Invisalign products are necessary

You must have either their Vivera retainers or Invisalign aligners in order to use the system. If not, you will have to buy them.

2. Boost-Powered, but Not as Effective

The fact that Opalescence Boost, a well-known and highly praised whitening product, is the driving force behind Invisalign Professional Whitening is one of its most salient selling advantages. The weaker formula is the issue, as it reduces effectiveness.

Invisalign Teeth Whitening Options By Dental Professionals

When trying to whiten your teeth, there are numerous things to take into account, including your food, dental hygiene, and even certain genetic components. Your teeth will get brighter and whiter as a result of all these factors.

1. Whitening Gel 

During your Invisalign treatment, if you'd like to have your teeth whitened, let a member of our clinical staff know, and we'd be pleased to provide you with some whitening gel. For 1-2 weeks, you can use this low-intensity whitening gel in your Invisalign aligner each night while you sleep. You would fill each compartment of the aligner with a tiny drop of the gel, seat it over your teeth, and wipe away any extra that got in your mouth or on your gums. You should leave the whitening gel on your teeth for at least 90 minutes. Alternatively, you might wear the aligner while you sleep and then rinse your mouth out with warm water in the morning.

2. Whitening Toothpaste

Another choice for maintaining your teeth's cleanliness and brightness while wearing Invisalign is whitening toothpaste. Our Dental specialists at NSW always advise brushing and flossing at least twice daily, and this recommendation is even more crucial for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. The success of a beautiful smile depends on keeping your teeth, gums, and bone levels in good condition.

3. Cider Vinegar or Lemon Juice

The enamel of your teeth can be eroded by DIY therapies like using lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash.

4. Activated Charcoal

Although using activated charcoal to brush your teeth has become relatively popular, there are concerns involved. For instance, charcoal that is abrasive might wear away your enamel.

Misconception About Invisalign Whitening

There are a lot of myths about Invisalign treatment. Too many untruths have been spread regarding teeth whitening when receiving Invisalign treatment. Here are some of the most widespread myths about Invisalign teeth whitening in this section:

1. Yellow teeth will occur from wearing Invisalign

This assertion is untrue. Clear plastic used in Invisalign is FDA-approved and won't erode your teeth.

Additionally, you may quickly take out your Invisalign aligner trays to regularly brush and floss your teeth, which eliminates the possibility of tooth color changes. Knowing the many causes and treatments for yellow teeth would also be beneficial, which you may discuss with your dentist.

2. Painful teeth whitening during Invisalign treatment

Teeth whitening when receiving Invisalign treatment is not painful when done properly. To avoid any pain, discomfort, or difficulties, you must adhere to all of your dentist's recommendations.

When should you whiten your teeth when wearing Invisalign aligners?

Many dentists and dental professionals advise delaying teeth whitening procedures until after the teeth are properly aligned. Due to the continual movement of the teeth throughout the alignment procedure, portions of the teeth that were not exposed to whitening agents may develop new discoloration. This can result in a distasteful end result. Waiting until the teeth are straightened will make it simpler for the wearer to have a uniform and radiant smile.

Key Instructions for Invisalign Whitening

  • You will use a tube to administer the secure and efficient whitening gel to your treatment in order to whiten your teeth.
  • Make sure the tooth surface inside your aligners is covered by the whitening gel by adjusting it as necessary. When we give you the gel, we'll demonstrate how to do it.
  • Remove any extra gel that has squeezed outside of the aligners and put them back in your mouth as usual.
  • Allow your aligners to rest in your mouth for around 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth and the aligners thoroughly after taking them out.
  • After just one treatment, many people feel their teeth are whiter.

We advise you to wait till your braces are taken off if you decided against using Invisalign and chose another type of braces instead.

Summing it up:

Utilising Invisalign is a terrific idea for getting straight teeth and a healthy bite, but it is even better to take care of teeth whitening during this procedure. Always heed the advice of our clinical staff and one of our competent doctors in our office, as well as the directions of your family dentist.

Call us back to us at (03) 5881 3468 or schedule your free appointment if you want teeth that are impeccably straight and white.


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