Electric or Manual Tooth Brush - What is the Best Solution for Dental Hygiene?

Published Date: 23/08/2022

Category: Oral Health

Electric or Manual Tooth Brush - What is the Best Solution for Dental Hygiene?

Your everyday home hygiene practices are the foundation for good oral health. By brushing your teeth, you can get rid of the plaque, bacteria, and odor-producing microorganisms that can cause gingivitis and tooth rot.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, There are numerous effective ways that are available and practiced differently by different people. But is there a blatantly superior approach? The argument between manual and electric toothbrushes is one of the most important ones in dentistry. One is a tooth cleanser that has been tried and true. One is a cutting-edge cleaning technique that offers comprehensive and in-depth teeth treatment.

These two types of toothbrushes that are readily available on the market are manual and electric. Although both approaches are useful, some patients and experts choose one over the other. It could be a good idea to try both to determine which one you prefer because what works for one patient might not necessarily work for you.

In this article, we are going to discuss the pros and cons of each of the teeth brushing solutions to clarify your dilemma of which one to use and why. But before that let’s talk about why we need a better brushing solution. 

Electric Brush – What is it?

Electric toothbrushes rotate or vibrate to help scrape plaque off of the gums and teeth. Compared to a manual toothbrush, the vibration encourages more little movements that properly clean your teeth.  

Advantages of Electric Toothbrush

Many customers choose electric toothbrushes because they desire a more potent brushing tool. Although there are many advantages to using an electric toothbrush, it's vital to keep in mind that not all of them are made the same. To reap all the benefits, we advise performing research on high-quality products before making a decision. 

1. Best Solution for Plaque Fighting

There is no contest in this matchup when it comes to battling plaque. Electric toothbrushes are advantageous. Bristles on electric toothbrushes rotate or vibrate in order to assist remove plaque from the teeth and gums. Every time you move your toothbrush over your teeth, the vibration offers micro-movements.
According to Healthline, multiple studies have demonstrated that electric toothbrushes perform a better job than manual toothbrushes at reducing plaque and gingivitis levels. Oscillating (spinning) toothbrushes reduced gingivitis by 11% and plaque by 21% after three months of use. 

2. Best Complements for Orthodontic Devices

An automated toothbrush speeds up and improves the effectiveness of your routine when you have to brush around your braces and attachments. Electric toothbrushes have increased brushing force, which makes it easier for them to clean in between orthodontic appliances. Use an automated toothbrush to keep tartar from accumulating between your teeth while you gradually benefit from correcting alignment provided by your orthodontic appliances. You can also use dental floss and dental sticks to prevent this build-up. 

3. A Brush for Everyone

Electric toothbrushes are a practical, simple way to clean teeth for persons with restricted movement. For those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, or developmental difficulties, electric toothbrushes make cleaning their teeth easier. Electric toothbrushes are safe for use by people who have sensitive gums and healthy teeth. 

4. A Tool for Two-Minute Accurate Brushing

Following the 2-minute brushing, the rule has never been simpler than with an electric toothbrush because these toothbrushes have built-in timers that eliminate guesswork and provide users an accurate time on their brushing. 

5. Ultimate Solution for Gum Protection

Automatic toothbrushes have pressure sensors that alert you when you're brushing too hard, and they're made to gently clean along the gum line at a 45-degree angle. This feature protects delicate gums while ensuring proper brushing technique. 

6. Possibility of Less Waste

Investing in a long-lasting electric toothbrush will reduce your overall waste. Rechargeable electric toothbrush models produce the least amount of waste, but if you choose to save money by purchasing less expensive disposable ones, you will also have to discard outdated batteries. 

Disadvantages of Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have several shortcomings even if they excel at what they were made to achieve. You should be aware of the potential drawbacks if you're thinking about switching and want to know if an electric toothbrush is worth the money. It ultimately comes down to your particular preferences, but customers who like electric toothbrushes believe that many of their drawbacks pale in comparison to the advantages they experience. 

1. Getting Habituated to One

It could take some getting used to the vibration speed and spin of an electric toothbrush if you or your child has only ever used manual toothbrushes. Some people choose to stick with their current toothbrush model because they find the switch to be uncomfortable. 

2. Less Budget Friendly

Investments include electric toothbrushes. The cost of a brush can range from $15 to $250. The average cost of a pack of replacement brush heads is between $10 and $45. Electric toothbrushes that are completely disposable cost $5 to $8 plus the price of batteries. 

3. It's not always the Ideal Match for Senior Citizens

Electric toothbrushes might not always be effective at removing plaque for the elderly. According to studies, oral brushes work just as well as electric toothbrushes at removing plaque in seniors. They might not be worth the investment for senior citizens on a tight budget. Additionally, electric brushes are less environmentally friendly than manual ones. 

4. Locating Replacement Components

You might be able to find replacement heads for your electric toothbrush from your neighborhood retail establishments, but if not, you'll need to acquire them online. It's a good idea to keep a box of replacements available at all times in case you need to quickly replace something. 

5. Travel limitations

You might still need to pack a manual travel-sized toothbrush if you travel abroad. To use your electric toothbrush in wall outlets intended for domestic appliances, you would require a power plug adaptor. Customers who frequently go abroad may need to buy another electric toothbrush that will function as a piece of compatible equipment, which is a factor that tends to worry them. 

Advantages of Manual Toothbrush 

1. Affordable:

Manual toothbrushes are very accessible and reasonably priced. Additionally, unlike in the case of replaceable electric toothbrushes, you don't need to purchase individual parts. When you visit the dentist for your twice-yearly dental exam, you can always get a complimentary toothbrush.

2. No Need to Charge:

To clean your teeth, all you need is a toothbrush and toothpaste. Batteries or chargers, which are additional accessories, are not required. Travelers prefer manual toothbrushes because they may use them whenever they need to. 

3. Affordability and Accessibility:

In almost every country on the globe, manual toothbrushes are sold in grocery stores, pharmacies, dollar stores, and gas stations. They are convenient for usage wherever and whenever you are on the run. 

4. Variety:

There are numerous sizes, colors, and shapes available for manual toothbrushes. The bristles' suppleness varies as well. Finding the ideal toothbrush for you is simple given the many alternatives available. 

Disadvantages of Manual Toothbrush

1. Simple to Replace

You can always get a new toothbrush and stop using your old one if you or your child has a sinus infection or another contagious sickness. If you haven't used an electric toothbrush to its full potential, you might hesitate to discard it. All toothbrushes can be replaced, but selecting the less expensive varieties to stock your bathroom cabinets with will result in you spending less annually on dental care overall.

2. Overbrushing Risks

Studies have indicated that while using manual toothbrushes as opposed to electric brushes, people are more inclined to brush excessively vigorously. Too much force when brushing can harm your gums and teeth. Additionally, although providing 6,000–30,000 easy strokes per minute, manual brushes cannot compete with electric toothbrushes in terms of ease. 

3. Hard to Time

A manual toothbrush lacks a stopwatch, making it challenging to determine whether you're brushing for the recommended amount of time. 

4. Brushing Without a Pressure Sensor

When using a manual toothbrush, it is possible to brush too vigorously. Researchers have found that many electric toothbrush types are made to protect against the abrasiveness risk that manual toothbrushes present. 

Electric or Manual Brush - Which One Works Best For Young Children and Toddlers?

The toothbrush that your child is most likely to use is the one that is ideal for them. For children, experts advise using a toothbrush head with gentle bristles. For young children, neither an electric nor a manual toothbrush is necessarily preferable. The benefits and drawbacks of each variety remain the same.
Children and toddlers can independently use an electric toothbrush without risk. To ensure that your kids spit out their toothpaste and don't swallow it, it is advised that you watch over them as they clean their teeth. 

Don’t Confuse Yourself - Ask the Expert Dental Practitioners at Local Dental Clinic

When it comes to your oral health, it is advised not to take DIY solutions to avoid future dental problems. It is a wiser decision to consult an expert dentist near you and ask them what you must do for better oral hygiene and what kind of brushing solutions and patterns you must use to keep it healthy and hygienic. Don’t wait, book your appointment now with an Expert Dentist at your nearby Local Dental Clinics and be rest assured about the best of the advice.

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