A Quick Guid to Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Australia

Published Date: 16/11/2023

Category: Dental Checkups

A Quick Guid to Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Australia

In Australia, ensuring the dental health of children is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. With the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) in place, families can access essential dental services for their children without financial strain. At our Local Dental Clinic, we understand the paramount importance of ensuring that every child receives comprehensive dental care for a healthy and radiant smile. 

With this in mind, we are committed to providing you with an in-depth understanding of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Australia. Our goal is to assist parents and guardians in navigating the complexities of the CDBS, including its eligibility criteria, covered services, claiming process, balance checks, and what to expect during a dental visit.

What is the Child Dental Benefit Scheme?

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme stands as a pivotal initiative by the Australian government, aimed at addressing the growing concerns surrounding children's oral health. Originating from the recognition that dental care is essential for overall well-being, the CDBS was introduced to ensure that eligible children have access to fundamental dental services without financial constraints.

The scheme was introduced as part of the Australian Government's commitment to prioritise preventative dental care for children, recognizing that early intervention and regular dental check-ups can significantly contribute to reducing the prevalence of dental issues later in life. It was launched on January 1, 2014, as a response to the need for affordable and accessible dental services for children from low-income families.

The CDBS was a significant step toward bridging the gap in dental health disparities among children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. It aimed to promote early intervention and foster a culture of proactive oral health management, emphasising the importance of regular dental check-ups and preventive treatments to curb the prevalence of more serious dental conditions.

What Does the Child Dental Benefits Scheme Cover?

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme comprehensively covers a range of essential dental services aimed at promoting the oral health and well-being of eligible children. Under the CDBS, children can access crucial dental treatments and services, including:

Regular Check-ups: 

Routine dental check-ups are crucial for early detection of any potential oral health issues, ensuring timely intervention and treatment.


Dental X-rays are utilised to diagnose hidden dental problems, such as cavities, impacted teeth, and other issues not visible to the naked eye.

Professional Dental Cleaning: 

Professional dental cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing the onset of cavities and gum diseases.

Fissure Sealing: 

This preventive procedure involves sealing the crevices on the chewing surfaces of teeth, making them less susceptible to decay and cavities.


Treatment for cavities typically involves the removal of decayed portions of the tooth, followed by filling the space with suitable materials to restore its structure and function.

Root Canals: 

When the dental pulp becomes infected or inflamed, a root canal procedure becomes necessary to remove the affected tissue and save the tooth from extraction.

Tooth Extractions: 

In cases of severe decay or damage, tooth extractions might be required to prevent the spread of infection and maintain overall oral health.

Partial Dentures: 

For children with missing teeth, partial dentures can help restore the function and aesthetics of their smiles, promoting confidence and proper dental function.

Understanding the breadth of services covered by the CDBS enables parents to prioritise their children's oral health without facing significant financial burdens.

Eligibility for Child Dental Benefit Schedule

The eligibility criteria for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) are crucial for families to understand before seeking dental services for their children. To be eligible for the CDBS, a child must meet the following requirements:

Age Bracket: 

The child must be within the 2 to 17 age bracket for at least one day of the calendar year to qualify for the scheme.


The child must be eligible for Medicare, which is an essential requirement for availing benefits under the CDBS.

Government Benefits: 

The child, or their family, must receive certain government benefits, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, ABSTUDY, Disability Support Pension, Youth Allowance, or other relevant government payments.

Fulfilling these eligibility criteria is vital to ensure that children can access the necessary dental services covered by the CDBS. 

How do you claim for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

Claiming under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule involves a straightforward process.

  • Visit the Local Dental Clinic near you that participates in the CDBS Scheme.
  • Provide the necessary information, including the child's Medicare details, to the dental expert at Local dental clinic.
  • The dental professional at the local dental clinic will process the claim directly on behalf of the patient.
  • The claim processing reduces the out-of-pocket expenses for the covered dental services.

How do you check the Child Dental Benefits Schedule Balance?

Checking the remaining balance under the CDBS is a simple yet crucial step for families to manage their child's dental care effectively. This can be done through various channels.

  • Log in to the MyGov website or access the Express Plus Medicare app.
  • Navigate to the relevant section for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
  • Enter the required credentials, such as Medicare details and personal information.
  • Access the information regarding the remaining balance under the CDBS.
  • Plan your child's future dental appointments accordingly based on the available benefits.

What to Expect at a Dental Room Visit with CDBS? 

When visiting the Local Dental Clinic near you, for a dental appointment under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), there are several aspects to anticipate, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for both the child and the parents:

Warm Welcome and Registration: 

Upon arrival at the Local Dental Clinic, our friendly staff will greet you and guide you through the registration process, ensuring all necessary paperwork is completed accurately.

Comprehensive Oral Examination: 

Our expert dentist will conduct a thorough oral examination, assessing the child's dental health, checking for any signs of decay, cavities, or other potential issues. This step is essential for identifying any existing or potential dental concerns.

Discussion of Treatment Plan: 

Further your Dental expert will discuss the findings with you, explaining any dental issues identified during the examination. They will outline a suitable treatment plan, including any necessary procedures covered under the CDBS, such as check-ups, cleanings, or treatments for cavities.

Procedure Explanation: 

Before proceeding with any treatment, we will explain the procedure in a child-friendly manner, alleviating any anxiety or concerns the child might have. This step aims to ensure that both the child and the parent understand the process and feel comfortable with the proposed treatment.

Gentle and Caring Approach: 

Our staff at the Local Dental Clinic will maintain a gentle and caring approach throughout the appointment, ensuring that the child feels at ease and comfortable during the procedure. This approach is vital in fostering a positive attitude toward dental care for the child.

Post-Treatment Guidance: 

Following the treatment, your dentist at Local Dental Clinic, will provide you with post-treatment instructions and guidance on maintaining good oral hygiene practices at home. They may offer tips on proper brushing techniques, diet recommendations for dental health, and the importance of regular dental check-ups.

Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments: 

If further treatments or follow-up visits are necessary, our dental staff will assist in scheduling these appointments, ensuring that the child's dental health is continually monitored and maintained.

At the Local Dental Clinic, our dental team strives to create a welcoming and nurturing environment, ensuring that each child's dental visit is a positive and reassuring experience, promoting good oral health habits that will last a lifetime.

Ready to Secure Your Child's Dental Health with the Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Australia?

Taking advantage of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule can significantly contribute to maintaining children's oral health, ensuring brighter smiles and healthier lives. Stay informed and make the most of this beneficial scheme to secure your child's brighter and healthier future.

Connect with our expert dental professionals at Local Dental Clinic to learn more about how the Child Dental Benefits Schedule can benefit your child's dental health.

Remember, your children's healthy smiles begin with informed choices and timely care!

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